We just watched the first episode of last night, and it was interesting for me as a person in a high-demand religion to note where certain things overlapped and where others sounded alarming to me. It hit closer to home than I was comfortable with a few times. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

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Thank you for sharing so bravely, Neidy. In the beginning of my marriage, I likewise harboured pieces of the movement without being aware, and I’m glad I’ve since discovered them.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Neidy Hess

Speechless, Neidy. In awe of your courage 💕

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Oh, Neidy. There’s so much I want to say about this, it’s too long for a comment. We need to FaceTime or maybe you should just come over here. 😘 A dozen or so years ago, I wrote an article on the Quiverfull movement for an Australian e-zine. It intrigued me because it was one of those things that on the surface (the “shiny happy” surface), it looked wholesome? Or at least harmless? I had a few friends who subscribed to the theories. But as I researched I found more and more that was horribly wrong. I still let my kids watch “19 Kids & Counting” because I figured it would be grounds for discussion, but I think some of the ideologies crept into their thinking. It’s tough because I think a lot of these messages are in many churches, even if they’re a bit more watered down. I’m so glad you’re saying this and praying believers wake up and rethink these things.

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Neidy, I’m SO glad you’re telling your story. My husband grew up in this movement also, and I’m not immune from it, either. Keep on telling the truth! Here to cheer you on. ♥️

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Thanks for sharing this friend. I’m here for you and your stories and all the good God is doing through you!

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Oh Neidy, so thankful for you voice here. And the brave honest vulnerability. Im looking forward to the coming posts, as a modern day Christian also (newly) learning how to process that secondary trauma. Thank you friend.

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Thank you for sharing, Neidy. I look forward to reading further posts on this topic! ❤️🙏🏼

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So glad you're sharing this Neidy. Your writing is honest and your voice is important. Big hugs to you as you process and extra ones every time you hit publish. Love you!

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